There’s nothing quite like the taste of fresh herbs, even dried herbs when you have grown them yourself somehow add more flavour to food. Most herbs like rosemary, thyme and parsley are very easy to grow.
It dosen’t matter wither you have a large garden or just your balcony, you can grow your own herbs at home and save money.
Once you start to grow your own herbs, you will be hooked. You will become a collector over time, always looking out for those herbs that are hard to find in the supermarket to add to your garden.
We started with only a few, but over time we have added more to our collection which include:
Rosemary, Vietnamese Mint, Tarragon, Lemon Thyme, Thyme, Italian Parsley, Catnip, Mint, Lemon Balm and Lavender – these were grown from cuttings or given to us by other gardeners in our area.
We purchased the Parsley, Sweet Marjoram, Basil, Stevia, Chervil and Coriander as seedlings. The Mustard and Fennel where grown from seed. The only herb that hasn’t survived at this stage is our Sage plant.
This year we added Dill to our collection.
Another money saving tip is to look out for recycled containers to grow your herbs in and also look our for unusual jars to store your herbs in once they are dried.

Drying and storing your herbs.
One of the best pieces of equipment I have ever purchased was our dehydrator.
We use it regularly to dry herbs including single herbs, mixed herbs, celery, onions for cooking stews, soups and we have also made home made gifts with some of the herbs we have grown.
You can use your oven, but this method takes quite a bit longer. Quite often you can find dehydrators second hand for a fraction of the price of a new one and very often they have hardly been used.

Please comment if growing herbs is something you would like to try for yourself, or maybe you already are a grower of herbs. Let us know what herbs you are growing at the moment !
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